
In accordance with established conformity assessment practice and accreditation requirements, BASEC Conformity operates an appeals process where by certification clients may appeal against BASEC Conformity certification decisions.

The sorts of appeals that may be considered by the process include:

  • Appeals against refusal to grant certification
  • Appeals against decisions to reduce, suspend or withdraw certification
  • Appeals against auditor decisions on issues such as audit findings
  • Appeals related to product surveillance testing and applied sanctions

In principle, any type of certification decision made by BASEC Conformity may be appealed.

BASEC Conformity operates its appeals process under a written procedure. All appeals should be made in the first instance in writing to the Certification and Compliance Director.

Appeals against auditor decisions are initially addressed by the Certification and Compliance Director. If it is not possible to resolve the appeal to the satisfaction of the client and BASEC Conformity, the appeal is referred to the Business Director for review. Other types of appeal are referred immediately to the Business Director. The Business Director will discuss the appeal with the appellant and with relevant staff in BASEC Conformity.

If the appeal is not able to be resolved by the Business Director to the satisfaction of the client and BASEC Conformity, then the appeal may be referred to the Appeals Panel of the BASEC Conformity's Board of Management, through BASEC Conformity's Independent Chairman.

An Appeals Panel is appointed by the Independent Chairman in accordance with the terms of reference. The appellant and BASEC Conformity present their arguments at an appeals hearing. The decision of the Appeals Panel is final.

Clients wishing to raise an appeal should in the first instance contact the Certification and Compliance Director.

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